Do you still juggle through the stack of papers to schedule your routine maintenance? Do you find it arduous to align maintenance with your daily fleet operational activities?
Well, say no more. With Our fleet management solution, you don’t need to mug up the dates, search through those huge spreadsheets or create a mind-map for that every now and then and sacrifice productivity of your fleet.
Let's take a pause and understand the underlying importance of the scheduling maintenance and showing up the vehicles at the workshop, stringently. Answer to that lies in adherence to the Maintenance Management Model given by Mobley (2008) and Sullivan and others (2004), which empirically estimates that any last-minute repair activity costs you 4 times more if the same repair activity was executed under the planned maintenance. Follow along for the revelation.
You miss turning-up a vehicle to it’s schedule maintenance and the collateral damage it causes is manifold.
• High wear and tear rates of the Vehicle.
• Cost of repairs, in case of breakdown.
• Wages paid to the idle operatives in lieu of idle Vehicle.
• Cost of alternate Vehicle engaged.
• Cost of regaining the momentum in the business if a large chunk of your fleet goes idle due to unexpected breakdowns.
• Cost on account of loss of goodwill from client/customers.
• And, the overall cost of loss in the associated production, wherever applicable.
From a fleet owner stand-point, it takes a lot of consistent effort to keep your fleet up and running and you often tend to lose on what's going on with your fleet if you don't have a maintenance plan for that. And, for a perfect execution of that, it becomes inevitable that you don't miss-out on any scheduled maintenance. Fleetx helps you address that exactly same issue in gps vehicle tracking system , by creating specific reminders for:
• Scheduled Maintenance of your Vehicles: Car wash, Oil change, A/C Compressor Replacement, Brake Inspection, Battery Replacement etc.
• Another set of renewals related to Vehicle: Insurance, Registration, Pollution, Permit, Fitness etc.
• License, Certifications, EMI or Health Card related renewals of your Drivers, Operators, Technician or Employees
All of the above is possible with fleetx, and being able to schedule and respond to maintenance triggers, in a timed manner brings you several benefits:
Zero Paperwork: No more effort required in remembering the dates, making sticky notes, or creating mind-maps.
Zero Human Error: Minimized human intervention makes it less prone to manual error. No more missed maintenance deadlines as long as you don't go lazy in picking up with the schedule drafted.
Quicker Maintenance Rituals: With more visibility into what happened to a vehicle in the past, you can better develop a maintenance strategy. Unforeseen delays are unlikely to happen.
Fewer Breakdowns: Improved Vehicle Health and Running Performance.
Centralized Records: All History available at one place with multi-level user access.
Though, you should make a note here that not all Vehicle needs maintenance on a regular interval, as its the vehicle operating conditions and the type of the vehicle that largely dictates how frequently a vehicle needs maintenance. A vehicle involved in severe duty demands maintenance on regular intervals more frequent than the ones involved in the light duty. Fleetx allows you to create such maintenance schedules based on the Odometer reading, Running hours of the vehicle, the time interval and more with our smart transport management system .
Fleetx allows you to create the fine-tuned version of the owner's manual of recommended and scheduled maintenance that it's no more a hassale to keep track of which vehicle need service and when.