A more than five decade old freight carrier company with private fleet of around 100 vehicles, which includes bulkers, trucks, trailers, 28/32 feet single and multi axle containers, canters and modified vehicles, offering nation-wide FTL services has worked tirelessly to meet its customers needs and establish a trustful relationship with it's contractors throughout India. The owner of the company somewhere knew that company's way of managing it's fleet has grown old and is losing it's competitive edge over other big rivals of the segment and was in the dire need of rejuvenation as the old hat system often failed to deliver on client needs as promised.
With the need of a more reliable and efficient fleet management solution, the partnership with fleetx began, to overhaul its decades old fleet management system, improve safety, increase fleet utilization and drive client satisfaction and in turn help them in the country-wide expansion of their business.
Fleetx brought unparalleled visibility to various aspects of their vehicle management system. Now, they don't have to guess for, where their vehicle is, which route is it taking for the trip, how soon can it reach destination, who the driver is, how good that driver has been on the wheels in the past, how quickly and efficiently we can plan the bandwidth on the route taken to support the breakdown of any en-route vehicle (if any) and all such myriad of questions, which now, are quick to answer.
Fleetx pulls a lot of vehicle information, which we used to record by hand, we didn't see a resonable point in not utilizing it fully.
One of the highlight area was that they're able to monitor its drivers/vehicles at any given moment, review their trip histories and know which route they took for a particular trip, where they stopped, the stoppage duration, the idling duration, this turns billing into a science and also serves as the documentation in case a client disputes a charge over any trip. Plus, they're now able to immediately dispatch the nearest drivers/vehicles to the point of trip/job request, to complete the task at hand at the earliest.
A lot of the increased fleet operational efficiency of the company can be attributed to various reminders and logs that we offer (Service Reminders, Vehicle Renewal Reminders, Contact Renewal Reminders, Fuel Monitoring System) which greatly helped in aligning any maintenance or renewal related activity with their day-to-day operations, ahead of the deadlines without making a drop in fleet utilization.
The Results are in numbers:
Within the first two months of the trial period, they uncovered the potential of our solution and decided to get on-boarded with us.
Over the course of 4 months,
the company's fleet saw 34% increase in overall Trips,
along with 40 % increase in the no. of Paid Trips,
which contributed 18 % rise in the overall Trip Running and
a solid 20 % rise in Paid Trips Running.
In a nutshell, our solution brought a great deal of visibility of their fleet at all times and the entire fleet was able to do 24,402 Kms of more Paid Run, over 4 months.
This improvement was recorded for the initial Vehicle base of just 40 Vehicles of various hauling capacities, operating out of different regions in India.

To put the same in percent growth,

Lets see how much revenue we are talking about.
Considering the Industry average of monthly Run of a transport vehicle as 6000 Km, a 20 % rise in the Paid trip running translates to 1200 KM of added road run.
And, the average Km rate of Rs. 30/km results in
1200 x 30 = Rs. 36000 per Vehicle.
Cost of fleetx platform - Rs. 6000 per vehicle per year
A return of 6x in just 4 months. That's definitely catchy to any eye. And, the figures are very much real.
Since they started using fleetx to gain real-time visibility of their fleet, they ensured efficient operational management of the fleet, higher reliability, informed assets planning, reduced operational costs and delighted clients.
Fleetx keeps track of everything you do with your fleet, you don't have to guess it anymore.
Got the impulse? Let's get you started with a free demo.