Indian Economy is highly dependent on the transportation and logistics industry and it is growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15-20 percent between FY2016-2020. With the increase in the logistics market, the challenge of matching customer demand with relevant services are also increasing and to minimize this gap fleet management system comes in to picture that involves optimizing route planning and managing their dispatch schedule, optimizing the cost, tracking them in real-time to ensure successful timely delivery. Another role of Fleet Management in the logistics industry is to ensure that the fleet business is operating smoothly, able to keep minimum business operation costs, constantly aims to improve performance and maintain compliance with government regulations.
Here are 5 compelling reasons that can change your perception of fleet management software:
1. Manage fuel expenditure by keeping an eye on fuel wastage 2. Real-time tracking and greater visibility of operations 3. Improved vehicle life with advance OBD II device 4. Improve driver behavior by controlling harsh driving 5. Reduce business cost1. Manage fuel expenditure by keeping an eye on fuel wastage
Fuel is always the biggest expense in a logistics business and it can not be avoided. But with proper planning and software, you can curb the fuel cost. Fleet management software would help you in monitoring the harsh driving, vehicle idling that can lead to fuel wastage. Also, the software provides the optimized route with which your fuel cost would reduce.
2. Real-time tracking and greater visibility of operations
Being unaware of your vehicle's live location and activities can be devastating for a business. This puts your entire operations at risk as you won't be able to track the vehicle to ensure timely delivery. But with fleet management software, you can track your fleet in real-time and also get live updates of vehicle running activities with various alerts.
3. Improved vehicle life with advance OBD II device
Fleet Management Software uses advance tracking device OBD II, with which you can get intelligent insights into a vehicle's engine health, engine performance and would generate DTCs (diagnostic trouble codes) whenever any problem occurs in the vehicle engine. With the help of these codes, you can plan timely vehicle maintenance to improve vehicle life and maximize vehicle utilization.
4. Improve driver behavior by controlling harsh driving
One of the prime features of fleet management software is to automatically monitor your driver's driving activities in real-time. FMS monitors driving behavior based on parameters like hard acceleration/deceleration, sharp turn, over speeding, etc. You can also receive live updates of your vehicle's driving activity via SMS, which helps you to control aggressive and harsh driving by instructing your drivers.
5. Reduce business cost
Cost saving is always a difficult process to achieve in the fleet business. A fleet management software would help you in reducing business costs by providing you a comprehensive view of your business operations. With fleet management software, fleet managers can identify ways to reduce expenses like fleet maintenance costs, operational costs like overtime wages, fuel expenses and a lot more.
Uncover the true potential of your fleet business by switching to a smart fleet management software. Start with scheduling a free demo here.